Outlook brightens for FTX customers

Outlook brightens for FTX customers

FTX가 고객들 repay하려고 on track임
ㄴ two-fifths more than the intial value of their claims인데
ㄴㄴ 이는 administrators for the collapsed exchange가 cryptocurrency 및 artificial intellgience assets들의 surging prices 들에 capitalise하면서.

고객들은 FTX의 bankruptcy 당시 what their assets were worth 의 120-140% repaid될 것으로 보임

owing to the rising value of assets such as bitcoin and its stake in AI start0up Anthropic

The repayments to more than 100,000 creditors have become a critical plank for laywers defineding former FTX chief exeutive Sam Bankman-Fried ahead of his sentencing in the US this week

He was found guilty of seven counts of fraud & money laundering last year related to the failure of FTX in November 2022, after an $9bn hole was uncovered in its balance sheet

변호사들은 총 6년 반의 형기를 주장하고 있고, 이는 부분적으로는, 고객들이 bankrupcy proceeding을 통해 repaid in full 될 것이기 때문임.
검사들은 40-50년을 seek 하고 있음.

Negotiator들은 little-used US legal mechanism called post-petition interest를 explore 하고 있음. 이는 entitles lenders in rare cases to receive extra payment for the potential investment gains they lost and for other related losses

Creditor들은 based on the dollar value of the deposit at the time of bankruptcy 를 기준으로 paid 될 것이지만, collapse 이후 많은 자산들이 4배 이상 가치가 뛰었음. The extra payments clients could receive remain far less than the gains they would probaby have made from the return of their assets.

당시 비트코인은 FTX의 collapse 당시에 $16,000이었는데 지금은 $70,000에 trading 되고 있음

Administrator들은 Anthropic에 있는 8% stake의 3분의 2는 $884mn에 팔기로 함.

FTX의 collapse 이후 일부 클라이언트들은 sold their claim to investors who held out for a future payment. Claims worth more than $1mn trade at 10 cents on the dollar in November 2022 but now trade at about 90 cents on the dollar.

Bankruptcy claim broker Cherokee Acquisitions says FTX creditors have sold more than $425mn of their claims via its platform.

The extra repayment hinges on whether the Internal Revenue Service, the US tax agency, agrees to subordinate its cliam for unpaid tax, which would have seen the IRS claim put ahead of FTX customers. The IRS alleges the group owes $24bn in unpaid taxes

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