US pushes allies to tighten chip restric­tions

US pushes allies to tighten chip restric­tions

US-China Tensions Semiconductors



The US is push­ing Japan and the Neth­er­lands to tighten restric­tions on exports of chip­mak­ing equip­ment to China, fol­low­ing a series of advances by black­lis­ted Chinese tech com­pan­ies  Hua­wei  and  SMIC .


 US Export Controls 
  • Wash­ing­ton imposed uni­lat­eral export con­trols in Octo­ber 2022
    • in an effort to slow Chinese efforts to build or obtain high-per­form­ance semi­con­duct­ors
      • that can be used for mil­it­ary pur­poses.
  • The Neth­er­lands and Japan,
    • where com­pan­ies spe­cial­ise in the pro­duc­tion of advanced chip­mak­ing equip­ment,
      • joined the US last year by enfor­cing export curbs on soph­ist­ic­ated machines and com­pon­ents.


  • But des­pite the con­trols,
    • Chinese mobile phone maker Hua­wei and Shang­hai-based Semi­con­ductor Man­u­fac­tur­ing Inter­na­tional Cor­por­a­tion
      • both of which are on a US trade black­list
        • revealed in August that they had pro­duced an advanced chip


 Further Measures 
  • The Biden admin­is­tra­tion wanted Tokyo and The Hague
    • to go fur­ther to close gaps in the exist­ing regime
  • Pos­sible meas­ures include:
    • restrict­ing exports of less soph­ist­ic­ated machines, as well as
    • intro­du­cing restric­tions on ser­vi­cing and repairs offered
      • for machines already pur­chased by Chinese cli­ents before the con­trols took force.
  • The Hague is press­ing Brus­sels to coordin­ate export con­trols after being isol­ated last year.


 South Korea Join? 
  • Wash­ing­ton was also try­ing to per­suade South Korea
    • to join the Neth­er­lands and Japan by impos­ing sim­ilar restric­tions.
  • South Korea has not rep­lic­ated the Dutch and Japan­ese con­trols
    • because its com­pan­ies do not man­u­fac­ture chip­mak­ing equip­ment
      • as soph­ist­ic­ated as the machines pro­duced by the Neth­er­lands’  ASML  or Japan’s  Tokyo Elec­tron .
  • China’s heav­ily sub­sid­ised chip­makers, includ­ing SMIC,
    • had been using less soph­ist­ic­ated equip­ment to pro­duce advanced chips at a loss.


 As for China…  
  • Chinese imports of for­eign semi­con­ductor equip­ment surged to record highs last sum­mer
    • just before the Dutch and Japan­ese con­trols,
      • as chip­makers in the coun­try pre­pared for the curbs.
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